Designed For Tech-Savvy Men!

Are You Tired Of Sitting At Home ALONE Playing Video Games Night After Night?

What if I could show you how YOU can have a "Player 2"?


“I had been a successful engineer for many years, but when it came to dating, I didn't have much luck. It might come intuitively for other people but not me. I am very thankful for Janet's coaching because, with her guidance, my girlfriend is now my wife!”

Ken P.

Transportation Systems Engineer


“I was in Nashville for a conference and had a wonderful time. The Mojo was definitely present at a new level, and without me even trying, 2 girls were fighting for my attention. Discretion prevents me from telling the rest. Excellent work Janet!”

Doug B.

Director of Software Training

Not only is it possible, but it’s a lot easier than you might think!

See, so many guys like you are excellent at their job. They are the most intelligent guy in the room.

They can quickly fix that server that just crashed, write code to create millions, and even save lives.

But when it comes to talking to a woman, it feels like someone just put a kryptonite chain around their neck!

A lack of confidence in social situations causes them to freeze time after time. They feel helpless.

Does this sound like you at all?

If so, it’s ok. You’re in a special group of guys with more going for them than they realize.

You just don’t know it yet.

That’s right! You’re a Tech Guy!

(Be Loud and Proud!)


“I had been a successful engineer for many years, but when it came to dating, I didn't have much luck. It might come intuitively for other people but not me. I am very thankful for Janet's coaching because, with her guidance, my girlfriend is now my wife!”

Ken P.

Transportation Systems Engineer


“I was in Nashville for a conference and had a wonderful time. The Mojo was definitely present at a new level, and without me even trying, 2 girls were fighting for my attention. Discretion prevents me from telling the rest. Excellent work Janet!”

Doug B.

Director of Software Training

Let me introduce myself…

I’m Janet More, and I’m a Techie too!

I have a Computer Science degree from the University of Texas and know all about things techie!​

From loving Star Trek, Harry Potter, Yoda, and the latest Techno-Gadgets to being a Java Developer and Certified Scrum Master, I know how to speak techie and understand how you think and feel!​

You are not alone! I’ve been where you are.

YES! We women have that too!

I had that social awkwardness that causes us to back off and miss out on the connections and opportunities that present themselves to us (like finding a partner to spend our valuable time with).

After overcoming my own insecurities and turning my lack of confidence around, I knew that this was something that so many of us geeks suffer from. And Sadly, I see men suffer even more from this.

Let me introduce myself…

I’m Janet More, and I’m a Techie too!

I have a Computer Science degree from the University of Texas and know all about things tech!​

From loving Star Trek, Harry Potter, Yoda, and the latest Techno-Gadgets to being a Java Developer and Certified Scrum Master, I know how to speak tech and understand how you think and feel!​

You are not alone! I’ve been where you are.

YES! We women have that too!

I had that social awkwardness that causes us to back off and miss out on the connections and opportunities that present themselves to us (like finding a partner to spend our valuable time with).

After overcoming my own insecurities and turning my lack of confidence around, I knew that this was something that so many of us geeks suffer from. And Sadly, I see men suffer even more from this.

From Shy Techie to “Confidence Coach

Let’s face it, as a techie AND as a woman; I’ve got a unique advantage to help men like you overcome those fears holding you back and keeping you from having conversations you’ve been dying to have with women.

For over 15 years, I’ve been mentoring single men like you all over the country to overcome those same insecurities and develop a sense of confidence that helps them attract (AND KEEP) a woman that adores and truly “gets” you!

(Think of me as your own double agent helping you with the cheat codes to unlock the gates to the secrets of what women REALLY want from a guy!)

Tell me if this sounds like you…

  • You’re at an event (or even a comic con) and see someone you find attractive.

  • You’d love to go up and talk to them, but you’re not sure where to start.

  • You try to make eye contact, but it just turns into an awkward creepy stare

  • You then turn around and head the other way feeling stupid and missing out on another opportunity to find a connection.

  • You’re at an event (or even a comic con) and see someone you find attractive.

  • You’d love to go up and talk to them, but you’re not sure where to start.

  • You try to make eye contact, but it just turns into an awkward creepy stare.

  • You then turn around and head the other way feeling stupid and missing out on another opportunity to find a connection.

Sound familiar?

Did you realize that in that same room, during the same event, that exact scenario was being played out by a dozen other guys? (AT LEAST!)

It all comes down to confidence.

Let’s face it, as a techie AND as a woman; I’ve got a unique advantage to help men like you overcome those fears holding you back and keeping you from having conversations you’ve been dying to have with women.

For over 15 years, I’ve been mentoring single men like you all over the country to overcome those same insecurities and develop a sense of confidence that helps them attract (AND KEEP) a woman that adores and truly “gets” you!

(Think of me as your own double agent helping you with the cheat codes to unlock the gates to the secrets of what women REALLY want from a guy!)

Tell me if this sounds like you…

And I’m not talking about that macho “Bro”

pick-up artist crap either!

Seriously, smart women can see that stuff a mile away.

We don’t fall for it.

We don’t like it.

And we won’t stick around if you pull that stuff on us!

Besides, you’re not that kind of guy anyway.

I bet you’re an intelligent and kind guy who wants to find someone you enjoy being with and enjoy spending time with.

You’re looking for a real relationship, not some shallow fling that will never last.

That’s what you get when you try the shady manipulative stuff.

And I’m not talking about that macho “Bro”

pick-up artist crap either!

Seriously, smart women can see that stuff a mile away.

We don’t fall for it.

We don’t like it.

And we won’t stick around if you pull that stuff on us!

Besides, you’re not that kind of guy anyway.

I bet you’re an intelligent and kind guy who wants to find someone you enjoy being with and enjoy spending time with.

You’re looking for a real relationship, not some shallow fling that will never last.

That’s what you get when you try the shady manipulative stuff.

If you follow the right steps, you can confidently

win the heart of a woman that actually “gets”

you and adores YOU!

The great news is that these steps aren’t something men are born with at birth. They are, however, learnable and are the the skills that will get you from first contact to that first date and beyond!

You’re a smart guy!

You can learn this stuff too!

YES! The ability to go from quiet and shy to confident and conversational is just a learned skill; anyone can learn it with the proper guidance!

That’s why I created “Tech Guy Confidence”!

It’s a step-by-step program to teach you the skills to go from uncomfortable to confident PLUS I’m bringing in my unique ability (and willingness) to share what we, as women, actually want from a guy.

It’s NOT…

YES! The ability to go from quiet and shy to confident and conversational is just a learned skill; anyone can learn it with the proper guidance!

That’s why I created “Tech Guy Confidence”!

It’s a step-by-step program to teach you the skills to go from uncomfortable to confident PLUS I’m bringing in my unique ability (and willingness) to share what we, as women, actually want from a guy.

It’s NOT…

  • Flashy stuff

  • Macho “bro” intensity

  • Fake lines to try to manipulate us

  • Flashy stuff

  • Macho “bro” intensity

  • Fake lines to try to manipulate us

We want a guy that’s confident, not cocky!

We want a guy that’s confident, not cocky!


"Many thanks and appreciation are extended to Janet. She helped me overcome my insecurities, coached me out of my comfort zone, and encouraged me to pursue my passion, by helping me find the woman of my dreams, and most of all helped me enjoy life."

William Watson

System Serviceability Engineer


"I'm the kind of guy who usually buys everything at Eddie Bauer or Target. You'll get some good clothes, but you won't really stand out. Janet found a way to make my personal style actually become stylish. Now I'm comfortable AND confident."

David W.

Attorney turned Actor


"Many thanks and appreciation are extended to Janet. She helped me overcome my insecurities, coached me out of my comfort zone, and encouraged me to pursue my passion, by helping me find the woman of my dreams, and most of all helped me enjoy life."

William Watson

System Serviceability Engineer


"I'm the kind of guy who usually buys everything at Eddie Bauer or Target. You'll get some good clothes, but you won't really stand out. Janet found a way to make my personal style actually become stylish. Now I'm comfortable AND confident."

David W.

Attorney turned Actor

What If I Gave You The Schematic To

Confident Conversations?

We all love flowcharts, right?

If you do, you’ll love the 4 part Flowchart I’ve created to meet and keep a girl.

If you’re thinking, “There’s no way it’s only four parts! That’s too easy!” You’re right… Sort of…

Those four parts are simple.

But they aren’t easy for so most guys out there.

That’s where “Tech Guy Confidence” comes in. This program is the result of 1000s of hours of coaching tech men to go from “The Shy Guy” to the guy that stands out in a crowd and looks like the most interesting man in the room.

The best part is I’ll be teaching you the method for building that kind of confidence that most guys (tech guy or not) never get!


"Janet's work has been nothing short of amazing! As an entertainer, I now regularly receive compliments about my new hair style and clothing, which is especially pleasing since I am blind and I now tend to out-dress my fellow entertainers and co-workers."

Michael S.

Senior Software Engineer

What If You Could Get Your Questions Answered

About Any Of This?

That's right...wouldn't it be great to ask a woman the things you want to know when it comes to dating and relating?

Our “Ask My Anything” Open Office Hours calls are the place to show to get that little extra help you need if you get stuck. Whether it’s in something related to the course or how to get through those last minute jitters before you next date, I’m here to help you break through those holdups.

And This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg!

Here are just a few of the things you’re going to learn

when you go through “Tech Guy Confidence”…

Where To Meet Women

We both know you’re not likely to hang out at the bar or local club, right?!

I will show you where you can find women that are YOUR kind of gal! Someone that’s going to have many of the same interests that you have and will appreciate you for YOU!

What To Do To Walk Into Any Room With Confidence

There’s nothing more sexy than a man walking in the room with a smile on his face standing tall like he owns the room.

I’m going to give you the steps you need to take BEFORE you ever step into the lions’ den that will grab the attention of onlookers almost immediately.

How To Find That Special Girl With The Ideal Qualities You Know You Want

We’ll get you clear and focused on precisely what you’re looking for (and how to avoid what you're not), so if that special girl is in the room, you’ll easily spot her across the room!

Once you learn this process, it will be like a sonic superpower for you to seek out women that are what you’re looking for!

When To Guide The Conversation And Stand Out From Most Guys

It’s all about what I call your “Mojo Vibe Stories”!

There’s a science to a conversation that is interesting and keeps a woman interested. The tools I’m going to teach you will help you create a conversation that she’ll love to continue with late into the night!

Of Course, How Do You Seal The Deal?

It’s all about getting an actual date, right?!

We both know that’s where most guys stumble and fall.

I will give you the formula to determine when the right time to ask is and what words to say that will have her looking forward to the date before you even finish asking!

How To Create Your “Swipe Right” Online Dating Profile

Yes, First Impressions are a thing and your profile needs to stand out at first glance.

I’m going to give you exactly the step by step formula to creating an online dating profile with just the right amount of intrigue and personality that grabs attention!

Why you need a Dating Game Plan

You’ve put in all the work to get the date. Why would you show up without a plan?

It’s just like creating your own playbook for getting to the next level in a game, you need know know what steps to take to ensure you don't crash and burn.

Our Dating Game Plan will guide you through every step along the way.

Need a little guidance to make sure everything goes great?

Join us for the monthly ‘Ask Me Anything’ Open Office Hours and I’ll get you on the right path!

And Much, Much More!

So …Who Is This For?

  • Guys that struggle with getting that first conversation with someone they're interested in

  • The Tech Guy Hero that wants to have a real relationship with someone that truly appreciates them for who they are

  • Guys that are tired of sitting at home playing video games on their couch alone and want someone to enjoy life with

  • That Tech Guy that is known as the shy guy that gets ignored

  • The Frustrated Guy that’s tried dating but just can seem to get a break

And, Of Course…

  • The Guy that’s ready to ready to go from the sacrificial “Red Shirt” to someone with suave confidence like Captain Kirk!

  • You’re at an event (or even a comic con) and see someone you find attractive.

  • You’d love to go up and talk to them, but you’re not sure where to start.

  • You try to make eye contact, but it just turns into an awkward creepy stare.

  • You then turn around and head the other way feeling stupid and missing out on another opportunity to find a connection.

Let’s face it, as a techie AND as a woman; I’ve got a unique advantage to help men like you overcome those fears holding you back and keeping you from having conversations you’ve been dying to have with women.

For over 15 years, I’ve been mentoring single men like you all over the country to overcome those same insecurities and develop a sense of confidence that helps them attract (AND KEEP) a woman that adores and truly “gets” you!

(Think of me as your own double agent helping you with the cheat codes to unlock the gates to the secrets of what women REALLY want from a guy!)

Tell me if this sounds like you…

If any of these resonate with you, then The

“Tech Guy Confidence” Program is the right place for you!

If any of these resonate with you, then The

“Tech Guy Confidence” Program is the right place for you!

What’s Included In

The “Tech Guy Confidence” Program?

1) The Complete “Get A Girlfriend Guide For Geeks”

On Demand Video Course

Ready for your transformation to begin?

This is the crux of the Tech Guy Confidence Program.

“Get A Girlfriend Guide For Geeks” will guide you day by day through the journey to getting a girlfriend

that loves you for who you are and give you the tools you need to

keep her excited and interested in being with you.

Here are just a few of the things you’re going to learn in the program:

  • How To Create Your Mojo Vibe

  • Discover Your Ideal Girlfriend Qualities

  • Upgrade Your Unique Style And Get Noticed

  • EZ Methods on How to Connect With Her

  • Tips To “Up Your Energy”

  • Where To Find Events To Meet Local Women

  • My One Secret Technique To Gain Her Interest

  • How To Introduce Yourself Powerfully

  • Guide The Conversation To Make You Memorable

  • Know When and How To Ask Her Out

  • Step-by-Step Follow-Up To Seal The First Date

  • Look Your Best For Your First Date

  • Fail-safe Tips For Being A Gentleman

  • Conversation Topics That She’ll Be Interested In

  • When To Go In For The Kiss

  • And Much, Much More!

Each and every step of our program gives you a walkthrough of exactly…

what to do, what to say, how to say it, where to go, what to wear, and more!

I’m not leaving a single thing to chance.


“Janet's coaching is so comprehensive. I can't say there was one thing that I owe my success to. All I can say is I'm thankful! If you keep an open mind, follow the instructions and keep communicating with Janet, you will see results that will change your life.”

Akash S.

Software Sales Engineer


“Janet's coaching is so comprehensive. I can't say there was one thing that I owe my success to. All I can say is I'm thankful! If you keep an open mind, follow the instructions and keep communicating with Janet, you will see results that will change your life.”

Akash S.

Software Sales Engineer

2) My 4-Part Simple-To-Follow Flowchart for Getting A Girlfriend

Let’s face it; everything is easier when you’ve got a roadmap.

This is like finding a treasure map that leads you to the hidden treasure you’ve spent your life looking for.

  • No guessing.

  • No Confusing language.

  • No deciphering cryptic code.

  • Just follow the steps!

3) The Dating Game Plan Trello Board

If you're a Techie like me, I bet you love Trello boards!

Just like any project that needs to go from idea to action to completion, your transformation from shy geek to a confident man that women WANT to be around is like a project with several tasks.

You need to know where you are on the journey and make sure that you don’t skip any of the important steps in order to make sure your upgrade takes.

(And the women you meet love the new version of you!)

Our Trello board gives you precisely that!

BONUS #1: How To Talk To Women Like A Starship Captain Book (Digital Copy)

Readers are leaders! Leaders are sexy!

In order to give you that extra boost, I’m even going to give you a copy of my book.

This book helps you know the exact words to say in any conversation.

I’ll teach you the six different types of scenarios with women,

as well as templates for those important conversations!

Think of this as youe pocket guide of magic scripts to keep handy anytime you get stuck and aren’t sure what to say or do!

In order to give you that extra boost, I’m even going to give you a copy of my book.

This book helps you know the exact words to say in any conversation.

I’ll teach you the six different types of scenarios with women,

as well as templates for those important conversations!

Think of this as youe pocket guide of magic scripts to keep handy anytime you get stuck and aren’t sure what to say or do!

BONUS #2: The Magnetic Online Dating Profile Makeover

Whether you’ve already tried dating sites and need a makeover or are starting out new, this 5 Day Challenge is designed for Single Men In Tech to get their dating profile in top shape with our “Swipe-Right Attraction strategies”!

  • Elevate your dating profile to the next level and beyond

  • No need to guess at what makes a great dating profile. I’m going to give you the exact formula!

  • Discover how to easily add unique stories and captivating photos that will make you stand out from the crowd

  • AND position yourself as a desired man and get more great “Swipe-Right” matches!

SUPER BONUS #3: Monthly “Ask Me Anything”

Open Office Hours Zoom Call $3000 Value

I'm here for you! One-on-one coaching clients pay me $250/session to help guide them through anything they may be stuck with. As part of the Tech Guy Confidence Program, you'll get monthly support where I will answer dating and relating questions in a group format. Come in with your burning questions... the questions you wish you could ask women and I'll get you on the right path!

Here’s a just a few of the types of common questions that guys ask me on these types of calls:

  • “I’m working on my dating profile and I’m not sure if I should include this…”

  • “We’ve been chatting back and forth a bit but I’m not sure if it’s time to ask her out yet. What do you think?”

  • “She’s into _______ but I’m not really interested in doing that. Should I suck it up and do it anyway?”

  • “I’ve got the date but what should I wear?”

  • “I thought things were going good but she’s been ghosting me. What should I do?”

  • “I’ve been dating her for a bit now and her Birthday is coming up. Is ______ a good gift?”

Be it part of the course you’ve got questions about, getting stuck on what to say, when to go in for the kiss, or what to buy her for that upcoming special occasion, these calls are to get you sorted out and to be the most amazing man they’ve ever been with!

Enroll In The Tech Guy Confidence Program

And Become Her Superhero!

Enroll In The Tech Guy Confidence Program

And Become Her Superhero!

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